Primary school
L1 = Chris Biesheuvel | L13 = Corry Hoogenkamp | L25 = Wim de Vries | L37 = Tinie Kort |
L2 = Johan Geenen | L14 = Ike v.d. Woude | L26 = Johan Stroobach | L38 = André Höweler |
L3 = Sander van Riemsdijk | L15 = Nanda der Nederlanden | L27 = Joop ter Velde | L39 = Klaas Kan |
L4 = Johan IJskes | L16 = Mr. Kamphuis | L28 = ?? | L40 = Kees Brinkman |
L5 = Klaas van Oostveen | L17 = Sonja de Cock | L29 = Hannie Plantinga | L41 = Wim van de Woude |
L6 = Frans Kruit | L18 = Netty Koppens | L30 = Nettie Tatje | L42 = Arnold Kakes |
L7 = Eddy Heere | L19 = Bea Olthof | L31 = Aafje van Oostveen | L43 = Loek Prins |
L8 = Jelle de Vries | L20 = Clasien Mennes | L32 = Corry Meijling | L44 = Wim Heere |
L9 = Klaas de Vries | - - - - | L33 = ?? | L45 = Bert Galjaard |
L10 = ?? | L22 = Mr. Kort | L34 = Mada Boekhoff | L46 = Bertus Bakker |
L11 = Henk Blijenburg | L23 = Annie v.d. Ploeg | L35 = ?? | L47 = Jan van de Berg |
L12 = Marti Pos | L24 = ?? | L36 = Erie Brouwer | L48 = Hans Ras |
The above list may not be totally correct, there are places marked ??. If you recognize yourself, your sister or brother, parents or grandparents, please write a comment in the guestbook or email to and help us to make this list as accurate as possible.
Place "L" before the number, than we know it concerns the photo of the primary school, for the photo of the MULO use the "M".
Our motivation to start this website is the death of our beloved friend Klaas Kan on the second of august 2017. He knew that he was terminal ill and than you look back on your life. In our conversations in that period we talked a lot about school, wondering what had happened to all our classmates, all of them over eighty years old by now, if they are still alive. We knew that some of them have deceased, but we did not know exactly who and when.
After the death of Klaas, Chris Biesheuvel called us by phone from Canada. We did not have any contact with Chris for more than half a century, but now we have intense phone and e-mail contact. The strange thing about it, is that it feels as off the fifty years of silence do not exist and of the things we talk about happened yesterday.
If you or brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, recognize family on the photo's, please do not hesitate to write in the guestbook or send us an email.