Ooievaarstraatschool Zaandam 1943 till 1954

Chr. School voor LO, ULO en MULO

Pupils and staff of the ULO (July 1954)

Leerlingen en onderwijzend personeel

Schoolfoto 1


M1 = Cox Boom M13 = ?? M25 = ?? M37 = ??
M2 = ?? M14 = Kees den Ouden M26 = ?? M38 = Jeanne/Lena Schulze
M3 = Bea Olthof M15 = Johan IJskes M27 = ?? M39 = ??
M4 = ?? M16 = ?? M28 = ?? M40 = ??
M5 = ?? M17 = Johan Stroobach M29 = Jan v.d. Berg M41 = ??
M6 = Clasien Mennes M18 = ?? M30 = Bert Galjaard M42 = ??
M7 = Ieke van de Woude M19 = ?? M31 = ?? M43 = ??
M8 = ?? M20 = ?? M32 = ?? M44 = Erie Brouwer
M9 = Klaas Kan M21 = ?? M33 = ?? M45 = Mr. Zevenbergen
M10 = ?? M22 = ?? M34 = ??
M11 = Jeanne/Lena Schulze M23 = Arnold Kakes M35 = Kees Brinkman -
M12 = Wim de Vries M24 = ?? M36 = ??

Who is who?

The above list may not be totally correct, there are places marked ??. If you recognize yourself, your sister or brother, parents or grandparents, please write a comment in the guestbook or email to info@bertgaljaard.nl and help us to make this list as accurate as possible.

Place "M" before the number, than we know it concerns the photo of the MULO, for the photo of the Primary School use the "L".

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